20+ AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Questions

In this post, we will cover AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Questions.

The following set of questions is to help you test your understanding before appearing for the AWS solution architect associate exam. This is no way a replacement for practical experience.

Q1 : Which of the following is NOT an AWS Compute service ?

  1. EC2
  2. S3
  3. Lambda
  4. Elastic Bean Stalk

A: S3

Q2 : Choose all options that you should use with S3 to protect against accidental deletion by user.

  1. MFA
  2. Versioning
  3. Cross region replication
  4. Cross AZ replication

A: MFA, Versioning, Cross region replication

Q3: You are deciding using an EBS volume for your database. Which of the following is a good choice ?

  1. General Purpose SSD
  2. Provisioned IOPS SSD
  3. Throughput Optimized HDD
  4. Aurora

A : Provisioned IOPS SSD

Q4: When changing EC2 security group, how long does it take for the change to take effect ?

  1. Immediately
  2. Restarting EC2 is needed
  3. Takes upto a minute
  4. Takes upto an hour

A – Immediately

Q5: In which Server Side Encryption mechnaism, Amazon manages keys and encryption/decryption ?

  1. SSE-S3
  2. SSE-KMS
  3. SSE-C
  4. All of these

A – SSE-S3

Q6 : Which EC2 option would you prefer for your company’s services so that they are available as well as cost efficient ?

  1. On demand
  2. Reserved
  3. Spot
  4. Dedicated Host

A – Reserved

Q7 : Which storage gateway allows files stored on S3 through a NFS mount point ?

  1. File gateway
  2. Tape gateway
  3. Stored Volume gateway
  4. Cached Volume gateway

A – File gateway

Q8 : How would you block an IP address from accessing an EC2 service ?

  1. Using IAM
  2. Creating Security Group
  3. Using Access Control List
  4. All of these

A – Using Access Control List

Q9 : You are planning to few Petabytes of data to AWS. Which of the following trasfer options would you use ?

  1. S3
  2. EC2
  3. Snowmobile
  4. Direct Connect

A – Snowmobile

Q10 : Which of the following AWS service is used for managing deployment to Docker containers ?

  1. EC2
  2. Lambda
  3. ECS
  4. EKS


Q11 : Which of the following allows you to create a dedicated connection from your data center to AWS ?

  1. Bastion host
  2. ECS
  3. Direct Connect
  4. VPC

A – Direct Connect

Q12 : Choose the Routing policy that allows you to direct allows your redirect all traffic from Europe to EC2 instances configured for European customers.

  1. Multi value routing
  2. Latency based routing
  3. Geoproximity routing
  4. Geolocation routing

A – Geolocation routing

Q13 : Which AWS service is useful for OLAP ?

  1. RDS
  2. Dynamo DB
  3. Aurora
  4. Redshift

A – Redshift

Q14 : Which of the RDS solutions is serverless ?

  1. Redshift
  2. Dynamo DB
  3. MySQL
  4. Aurora

A – Aurora

Q15 : Name the No-SQL solution available in AWS.

  1. RDS
  2. Dynamo DB
  3. Aurora
  4. Redshift

A – Dynamo DB

Q16 : Which of the following is true about Stored volume gateways ?

  1. Entire data is stored on site and asynchronously backed to AWS S3
  2. Entire data is stored on site and synchronously backed to AWS S3
  3. Entire data stored on S3 and only recently accessed data on site
  4. Data is stored on both places at same time

A – Entire data is stored on site and asynchronously backed to AWS S3

Q17 : Which of the S3 storage tiers provides a cheaper and available solution if your data is re-creatable easily?

  1. S3 standard
  2. S3 IA
  3. S3 One zone IA
  4. Glacier

A – S3 One zone IA

Q18 : Which of the following seems to be the correct format or url to access your bucket named “topjavatutorial” stored in eu-west region ?

  1. https://eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/topjavatutorial
  2. https://amazonaws.eu-west-1.com/topjavatutorial
  3. https://topjavatutorial.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
  4. https://topjavatutorial.amazonaws.com/eu-west-1

A – https://eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/topjavatutorial

Q19 : Identify the data consistency levels available with objects stored in S3.

  1. Read after Write consistency for PUTs for new objects
  2. Eventual Consistency for PUTs for new objects
  3. Eventual Consistency for overwrite PUTs & DELETEs
  4. Read after Write for overwrite PUTs & DELETEs

A – Read after Write consistency for PUTs for new objects, Eventual Consistency for overwrite PUTs & DELETEs

Q20 : Which of the following is a serverless compute service ?

  1. S3
  2. Lambda
  3. EC2
  4. EBS

A – Lambda

Q21 : Which of the following is valid for cross region replication of objects in S3?

  1. Versioning should be enabled in both source & destination buckets
  2. Files in existing buckets aren’t replicated automatically
  3. Same region can’t be used as both source & destination
  4. All of the above

A – All of the above

Please share your questions and your recent experience of AWS associate solution architect exam in the comments section below.

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