Java Abstract Class

What is abstract class and why its needed ?

Abstract class is used when you don’t want to instantiate a class rather provide some common functionality that other classes can extend.
An abstract class can not be instantiated by itself.
An abstract class contain a mix of abstract and non-abstract methods.

Abstract class Example

Below is an example of such as abstract class.. the method printText() is abstract and the implemention is deferred to an overriding class.

package com.javatutorial;

public abstract class TestAbstractClass {
  public abstract void printText();
  public void setText() {
    System.out.println("Nonabstract method in Abstract class");

Here is an example of child class extending the TestAbstractClass and implementing the abstract method printTest().
package com.javatutorial;

public class Hello extends TestAbstractClass {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Hello h =new Hello();

  public void printText() {
    System.out.println("Abstract method implement in child class");


If you run this class, the output will be:


Nonabstract method in Abstract class
Abstract method implement in child class


Here are some rules about abstract classes :

– An abstract class can have non abstract methods. By putting non-abstract method in an abstract class, the concrete classes inherit the method implementation.
– An abstract class must be subclassed. So, you can not make a class both abstract and final.
– A class can implement one or more interfaces, but it can extend only one abstract class.

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