Scala Match Expression

Match Expression

Match expression in Scala is similar to Switch in Java.

In Match expression, a single input item is evaluated and the first pattern that is “matched” is executed and its value returned.

In Scala, there is no “fall-through” from one pattern to the next one in line, nor is there a “break” statement that would prevent this fall-through.


Syntax of Match Expression


<expression> match {
    case <pattern match> => <expression>


Example 1

Here is a simple example that uses match for comparing a value:

    val num = 11;
    num match {
      case 10 => println("nummber is 10");
      case _ => println("number other than 10");



Since number is not 10, the output will be :

number other than 10

Example 2

Match expression can return a value. Let’s see an example to find if a number is even or odd, using Match expression:

    val num = 20;
    val check = (num % 2 == 0) match {
      case true => "Even";
      case false => "Odd";





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