How to create database in Mongo DB? use DATABASE_NAME 2.How to list all available database in Mongo DB? show dbs How to drop database in Mongo DB? db.dropDatabase() How to create collection in Mongo DB? db.createCollection(name, options) Desc: Name:String:Name of the collection to be created Options:Document (Optional): Specify options about memory size and indexing Options …
Continue reading Top 20 Mongo DB interview questionsBig Data
Q : What is a Namenode? A : Namenode is the master node on which Resource manager runs. It contains metadata about data present in datanodes. It maintains and manages the blocks which are present on the datanodes. It is a high-availability machine and single point of failure in HDFS. Q : Is Secondary Name …
Continue reading Hadoop Interview QuestionsWhat is Pig ? Pig is an engine for running data flows in Hadoop. Pig uses a language called Pig Latin. Pig runs on Hadoop. It uses HDFS for storage and internally uses MapReduce for data flow operations. Examples of pig operations include join, filter, group by, order by etc. Why Pig ? Does …
Continue reading Pig Tutorials/conceptsThis post can help with the following : Provide an introduction to MapReduce design patterns Explain MapReduce Design Pattern concepts Here are the categories of MapReduce design patterns : 1) Summarization pattern 2) Filtering pattern 3) Data Organization pattern 4) Join pattern 5) Meta pattern 6) Input Output pattern Here is an introduction …
Continue reading MapReduce design patternsThis post provides an introduction to following concepts : Hadoop Basics What is HDFS ? What is YARN ? Lets start with the simplest question first. What is Big Data ? Big data is a term coined for huge volume of data(in terrabytes or petabytes) that is difficult to manage using traditional DBMS. Here are …
Continue reading Hadoop Basics