What is Optional in Swift ? In Swift, variable values can be optional. That means that a variable will either be nil or it will have a valid value. We can declare a variable as Optional if there is a possibility that the variable may not have a valid value. Declaring Optional variables and …
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Swift while loop The while loop evaluates a conditional statement and then repeatedly executes a block of code if the conditional statement is true. Syntax : while condition { block of code to be executed } Example of while loop in Swift In this program, variable i starts at 0 and is …
Continue reading Swift while and repeat-while loopSwift for loop allows some code to be executed again and again. Syntax of for loop for initialization;conditional expression;update counter { // Statements to be executed } The loop executes as follows : Step 1: When the loop is first entered, the initialization statement is evaluated. Step 2: The conditional is evaluated; if …
Continue reading Swift for loopfor-in loop The for-in loop iterates over a collection of items or a range of numbers and executes a block of code for each item in the collection or range. Syntax of for-in in Swift The syntax of for-in statement looks like: for variable in Collection/Range { block of code } …
Continue reading Swift for-in loopOperators in Swift can be: Unary, which requires only one operand or input.(e.g. -a) Binary, which requires two operands or inputs. (e.g. a+b) Ternary, which requires three operands. (e.g. ?:). Swift Assignment Operator The assignment operator initializes or updates a variable. var name = "John Doe" name = "Dave Mathias" Swift Comparison …
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