Design Patterns and Best Practices for Microservices in Node.js & Express.js We can create scalable, independent, and flexible services with Microservices architecture. However, adopting this architecture requires following essential patterns and best practices to prevent complexity and maintainability issues. In this blog post, we’ll discuss design patterns and best practices that are crucial for microservices …
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Crafting Effective URL Patterns for Rest Services or Microservices When building Node.js microservices, it’s important to establish consistent and logical URL patterns that reflect the purpose of each endpoint. Using nouns in URLs and selecting the appropriate HTTP verbs ensures a clear, user-friendly API design. Additionally, managing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) like tax IDs requires …
Continue reading Effective URL Patterns for Node.js MicroservicesIn this article, we will see difference between PathParam and QueryParam and how to decide whether to use PathParam vs QueryParam in rest api design. Diff between PathParam and QueryParam Path params are part of the url where as query parameters are added after the ? mark symbol and separated from other query parameters …
Continue reading When to use PathParam and when to use QueryParamThis article discusses about @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE and @HEAD annotations defined by JAX-RS for corresponding HTTP methods. JAX-RS HTTP Method Annotations JAX-RS provides the following annotations to map to corresponding HTTP operations. @GET HTTP GET method retrieves information from a resource. GET method calls are handled by JAX-RS methods annotated with …
Continue reading JAX-RS HTTP Method AnnotationsIn this article, we will create a standalone Restful web service using Restlet framework and Maven. If you need help setting up Maven, refer this article : Maven basics Let’s create a standalone java application by using the following archetype in command prompt: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DartifactId=RestletStandAloneApp -DinteractiveMode=false Open …
Continue reading Standalone Restful service using Restlet framework