Handlebars.js – Creating Custom Helpers

Handlebars Helpers

Helpers in Handlebars.js are reusable functions that can be added to data to change its behavior in some way.

Handlebars provides several built-in helpers such as if, each, unless etc. (For built-in helper, refer http://handlebarsjs.com/builtin_helpers.html)


Creating custom Handlebars Helpers

We can create our own helper functions in Handlebars using the registerHelper() method.

Here, we will be creating a custom helper formatTelephone that can format a phone number as per our need.

Here is the code for adding the helper:

Handlebars.registerHelper('formatTelephone', function(phoneNumber) {
  if (phoneNumber.length == 10) {
    return "(" + phoneNumber.substring(0, 3) + ") "
        + phoneNumber.substring(3, 6) + "-"
        + phoneNumber.substring(6);
  } else {
    return phoneNumber;


The first parameter ‘formatTelephone’ is the helper name and second parameter is a callback function that defines what the helper would do.

This helper formats a passed phone number such that the first 3 digits are within a pair of parenthesis and the next 3 digits are separated from the last 4 using a hyphen.

For example, 1234567890 will be formatted as (123)456-7890
Here is the complete code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Handlebars js Helper</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="handlebars-v4.0.10.js"></script>

  <div id="displayArea"></div>

  <script id="myTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars-template">

    <h1>Employee Name : {{this.name}}, Phone : {{formatTelephone this.phoneNumber}}</h1>


  <script type="text/javascript">
    var tmpHtml = document.getElementById("myTemplate").innerHTML;
    var template = Handlebars.compile(tmpHtml);

    var data = {
      employees : [ {
        name : "John",
        age : 22,
        phoneNumber : "1234567890"
      }, {
        name : "Dave",
        age : 34,
        phoneNumber : "4147862398"
      }, {
        name : "Emily",
        age : 39,
        phoneNumber : "7781237695"
      } ]

    Handlebars.registerHelper('formatTelephone', function(phoneNumber) {
      if (phoneNumber.length == 10) {
        return "(" + phoneNumber.substring(0, 3) + ") "
            + phoneNumber.substring(3, 6) + "-"
            + phoneNumber.substring(6);
      } else {
        return phoneNumber;


    var html = template(data);

    document.getElementById("displayArea").innerHTML += html;


Output :

handlebars helpers

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