The Java 8 LocalDate-Time API includes a parse() method, which can be used to parse a given input string using a specified format.
Parse a String to form a Date Object
By default, the parse() method will format based on the default DateTimeFormatter.
For example, to parse the string “2016-08-23”, the default LocalDate.parse() method can be called.
LocalDate newDate = LocalDate.parse("2016-08-23"); System.out.println("Parsed date : " + newDate);
Parsed date : 2016-08-23
Similarly, the default LocalDateTime.parse() method can be used to parse a String to a DateTime object.
Parse a String to form a Date-Time Object
LocalDateTime newDatetime = LocalDateTime.parse("2016-08-23T12:23:45"); System.out.println("Parsed datetime : " + newDatetime);
Parsed datetime : 2016-08-23T12:23:45
Parse a String to a LocalDate or LocalDateTime object using a DateTimeFormatter
A different DateTimeFormatter can be specified as a second argument to the parse() method.
Refer this link for the Predefined Formatters.
Example 1
LocalDate newDate = LocalDate.parse("2016-08-23",DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE); System.out.println("Parsed date : " + newDate); LocalDateTime newDatetime = LocalDateTime.parse("2016-08-23T12:23:45",DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME); System.out.println("Parsed datetime : " + newDatetime);
Parsed date : 2016-08-23
Parsed datetime : 2016-08-23T12:23:45
Parse a String to a LocalDate or LocalDateTime object using Custom Parser
For custom patterns, we can Formatter using the ofPattern(String) and ofPattern(String, Locale) methods as shown in examples below :
Example : Parsing String of pattern yyyy MM dd to LocalDate
LocalDate newDate = LocalDate.parse("2016 11 23",DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy MM dd")); System.out.println("Parsed date : " + newDate);
Parsed date : 2016-11-23
Example : Parsing String of pattern dd/MM/yyyy to LocalDate
LocalDate newDate = LocalDate.parse("23/11/2016",DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy")); System.out.println("Parsed date : " + newDate);
Parsed date : 2016-11-23
Example : Parsing String of pattern dd Mon yyyy to LocalDate
LocalDate newDate = LocalDate.parse("23 Aug 2016",DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d MMM uuuu")); System.out.println("Parsed date : " + newDate);
Parsed date : 2016-08-23
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This java 8 example is really nice and very useful.
thanks for sharing this kind of articles.
nice work keep it up.