Java Tutorial
Data Types
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Boolean Logical Operators
- Ternary Operator
- Java + operator and Operator overloading
Statement Control
- While loop
- Do While loop
- For loop
- For-Each loop
- If statement
- Switch statement
- String in switch statement (Java 7)
- Break statement
- Continue statement
- Return statement
- Arrays
- Creating and Initializing Arrays
- Iterating over Arrays
- Convert List to Array and Vice versa
- Search an element in an Array
- Sorting arrays in Java
- Strings
- String Immutability
- Comparing Strings in Java
- Different methods of String concatenation with performance analysis
- StringTokenizer
- Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions
- Understanding Class and Object
- Constructor
- Abstract class in Java
- More on Abstract class and Abstract method
- Inner Class
- Static Nested Class
- Method Local Inner Class
- Anonymous Inner Class
- Super keyword in Inheritance
- Static in java
- Understanding final in java
- Immutable in Java
- Method in java
- Varargs in java
- Method Overloading in Java
- Method Overriding in Java
- Method overriding and Private methods
- Interfaces in Java
- Nested Interface in java
- Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance using Interfaces
- Cloneable interface and clone method
- Marker Interface in Java
Exception Handling
Collection Framework
- Reading a File in Java
- Write to a File using BufferedWriter
- Write a UTF-8 file using OutputStreamWriter
- Java StAX api
- Parsing XML using DOM parser in Java
- Reading an Excel file (.xls) in Java
- Writing to an Excel file in Java
- String to XML & Vice versa
Date Utilities
- Get current date in Java
- Difference between two Dates
- Convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date
- Convert java.sql.Date to java.sql.TimeStamp
Concurrency Utilities
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