Matrix Transpose

Transpose of Matrix


The matrix obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of a matrix is called transpose of the matrix.


If A is the original matrix, then the transpose if denoted as A’ or AT


Example 1:

For the following matrix A, find the transpose of A.
matrix transpose



Here is the transpose matrix after changing rows and columns :


matrix transpose


Example 2:

Find the transpose of the following matrices.

matrix transpose




matrix transpose


Common Rules of Matrix Transpose


  • (A + B) ‘ = A’ + B ‘
  • (A’)’ = A
  • (A B) ‘ = B’ A’
  • (c A) ‘ = c A’ , here c is a constant


Symmetric and Skew-symmetric matrix


A square matrix A is symmetric, if A = A’

A square matrix A is skew-symmetric, if A = -A’



symmetric matrix




symmetric matrix


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