Sorting data in Excel

Sorting data in Excel


Sorting is a way of arranging the data in a sequence. For example, you may want to arrange names of employees alphabetically or arrange their salaries from lowest to highest etc.


Sorting depends on the type of data being sorted.


For example, you can sort :

  • Text data alphabetically, i.e. A -> Z or Z -> A
  • Numbers from smallest to largest or largest to smallest
  • Dates from oldest to newest or newest to oldest


Sort a single column in Excel


Sorting a single column can be achieved by just clicking either of the following icons on Data tab:


  • sort a to z(Sort A to Z for Text or smallest to largest for Numbers or oldest to newest for Date/Time)


  • sort z to a(Sort Z to A for Text or largest to smallest for Numbers or newest to oldest for Date/Time)


To explain this, we will use the following data :


sample student marks data


It has Student names in column A which is Text and marks in column C which are numbers.


Following example will sort one column at a time :


Example 1 : (Sort data in ascending order of student names)


Step1  : Select the column that you want to sort.


Since we want to sort by student names, click on any cell in column A.


Step 2: Choose the type of sort from Data tab.


We can do one of the following :


Option 1 :

Click on the sort a to z icon in the Data tab. It will sort the data with student names sorted alphabetically.

Here is how the sorted data looks like :


sorted student data with names sorted alphabetically


Note that, the Student Names have been sorted alphabetically.


Option 2 :

Click on the sort icon in Data tab. It will open the following dialog box.


sort dialog box


Click OK… It will sort the student names alphabetically



Example 2 : (Sort marks from highest to lowest)


Click on any cells in column C and Click on the sort z to a icon in the Data tab.

It will sort the marks from highest to lowest.


Here is the data with marks sorted :


student data sorted with marks


Sort Data on multiple columns in Excel


Data can be sorted based on multiple columns using the Sort icon sort in Data tab.


Here are the steps for the same :


1- Click on any cell in the range of cells you want to sort.

2- Click on the sort icon sort in Data tab.

3- In the sort dialog box, add the different levels you want to sort .

sort dialog box

4- click OK to sort the data.


Example : (Sort based on Student name alphabetically and marks in descending)


In this example, we will sort the student data(from previous example), by student name alphabetically and then by marks in descending order.

For this, click on the sort icon sort in Data tab and add the sort levels shown below :
sort multiple levels


click OK to sort the data


Here is how the data will look like after being sorted on Student Name alphabetically and marks in descending order.
sorted student data multiple level

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