This tutorial will explain about Oracle SQL and PL/SQL concepts and examples in Oracle.


  1. Oracle Data types
  2. Oracle Date functions
  3. Oracle Numeric Functions
  4. Oracle Other functions
  5. Oracle Conversion functions
  6. SQL – Aggregate functions in Oracle
  7. Type of SQL statements
  8. Oracle Data Manipulation Language
  9. Oracle Data Definition Language
  10. Oracle Data Control Language
  11. Oracle Transaction Control Languages(TCL)
  12. Oracle Check Constraints
  13. Oracle Primary Key
  14. Oracle Foreign Key
  15. Oracle Unique Key
  16. Oracle View
  17. Joins in Oracle
  18. Oracle Synonym
  19. Oracle Sequence
  20. Oracle Performance Tuning
  21. Oracle Query Processing
  22. Oracle AutoTrace
  23. Oracle Explain Plan
  24. Oracle Optimizer Hints
  25. Oracle SQLTrace
  26. Oracle TkProf Utility
  27. Oracle Index
  28. nth Highest Salary


  1. Introduction to PL/SQL
  2. Stored Procedure
  3. Stored Function
  4. Oracle Packages
  5. Oracle Triggers
  6. Pragma Autonomous Transactions
  7. Oracle Dynamic SQL
  8. Exception in Oracle
  9. Cursors in Oracle
  10. Oracle Collection

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