Learn how to check if a key exists in a JavaScript Map easily. Explore different methods using has, get, and keys to efficiently determine key existence. Improve your JavaScript coding skills today!
Continue reading JavaScript Check if Key Exists in Map : 5 ApproachesJavaScript
Learn how to check if a key exists in a JavaScript array using different methods such as indexOf, includes, find, findIndex, and custom functions. Understand their pros and cons, choose the appropriate method, and consider performance implications.
Continue reading JavaScript Check If Key Exists in Array: 5 ApproachesLearn different methods to check if a key exists in JavaScript objects. Improve your JavaScript programming skills with this comprehensive guide.
Continue reading JavaScript 5 ways to check if key exists in objectString.prototype.contains() ES6 browsers support a String.prototype.contains() method. But its not supported in older browsers still in use, such as Internet Explorer 11 and below, or Safari 7 and below. var string1 = "topjavatutorial"; var string2 = "java"; if (string1.contains(string2)) { console.log('string1 contains string2'); } If you are still one of those browsers, we can …
Continue reading How to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScriptNashorn engine Java 6 introduced a JavaScript engine called Rhino that enabled embedding JavaScript code in Java. In Java 8, a new JavaScript engine called Nashorn has been added that provides several new features. To obtain Nashorn engine, we need to create an instance of ScriptEngineManager and then pass the engine name in getEngineByName() …
Continue reading Running JavaScript from Java using Java 8 Nashorn engine